by Enrico Manieri - Henry62.English translation by Paolo Attivissimo. -------------------------------------------------
Special thanks to the Contessi company for their friendly technical support.------------------------------------------------- .
"Thermal cutting of steel" Dossier
.- Real-world tests cut through steel, shatter thermite "evidence" - Technical details on thermal cutting of steel
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- NIST confirms "UPS" on 81st floor of WTC2 was powe...
- Why Pentagon damage is incompatible with a missile...
- UPS on the 81st floor of WTC2?
- Why don't the Pentagon videos clearly show a plane?
- WTC7, new evidence from old photos.
- "Whistleblower" WTC blueprints corroborate NIST, d...
- "Molten metal pools" may have simple explanation
- Technical details on thermal cutting of steel
- Real-world tests cut through steel, shatter thermi...
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di Enrico Manieri - Henry62 . English translation of this post is avaiable here. . Da qualche tempo a questa parte stanno tornando in auge a...
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