by Paolo Attivissimo (published in this blog with the author's permission),
based on research by Enrico Manieri (Henry62)
Traducción al español - Traducido de la versión inglesa por Red crítica del 11-S con permiso del autor.
A remarkable glowing fountain of material (shown here) which flowed from the 80th-81st floors of the South Tower shortly before the building's
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- NIST confirms "UPS" on 81st floor of WTC2 was powe...
- Why Pentagon damage is incompatible with a missile...
- UPS on the 81st floor of WTC2?
- Why don't the Pentagon videos clearly show a plane?
- WTC7, new evidence from old photos.
- "Whistleblower" WTC blueprints corroborate NIST, d...
- "Molten metal pools" may have simple explanation
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di Henry62 . Mi é stato chiesto da un lettore cosa pensassi del fatto che l'articolo di Pier Paolo Murru, in cui tratta delle telecame...
di Enrico Manieri - Henry62 . English translation of this post is avaiable here. . Da qualche tempo a questa parte stanno tornando in auge a...
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di Enrico Manieri - Henry62 Il Federal Bureau of Investigation ha rilasciato sul suo sito una nuova serie di immagini e filmati relativi all...
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di Enrico Manieri - Henry62 Torniamo allora ad affrontare l'argomento delle telecamere del Pentagono, perchè una delle caratteristiche c...