NIST confirms "UPS" on 81st floor of WTC2 was power supply; may explain glowing "fountain"

by Paolo Attivissimo (published in this blog with the author's permission),
based on research by Enrico Manieri (Henry62)


Traducción al español - Traducido de la versión inglesa por Red crítica del 11-S con permiso del autor.




A remarkable glowing fountain of material (shown here) which flowed from the 80th-81st floors of the South Tower shortly before the building's

Why Pentagon damage is incompatible with a missile attack

by Enrico Manieri - Henry62.Translated and adapted by Paolo Attivissimo with the author's permission. The original Italian article is available in the author's 11-Settembre blog.

La versione originale italiana di questo articolo è sul blog 11-Settembre dell'autore. .------------------------------------------------------------------

"Alternative" theories claiming that no hijacked aircraft

UPS on the 81st floor of WTC2?

by Enrico Manieri - Henry62

Traducción al español - Traducido de la versión inglesa por Red crítica del 11-S con permiso del autor.


UPDATE - March 17th, 2008





Translated and adapted by Paolo Attivissimo with the author's permission.

The original Italian article is available in the author's 11-settembre blog.


Abstract: research into the

Why don't the Pentagon videos clearly show a plane?

by Enrico Manieri - Henry62.

Translated and adapted by Paolo Attivissimo with the author's permission. .

The original Italian article is available in the author's 11-settembre blog.



People who approach the analysis of the 9/11 Pentagon attack for the first time often ask this question.

How come the released security camera

WTC7, new evidence from old photos.

by Enrico Manieri - Henry62


with special thanks to Aman Zafar.

Translated and adapted by Paolo Attivissimo with the author's permission.


Several pieces of photographic and video evidence of the damage to the south face of WTC7, the well-known third skyscraper of

"Whistleblower" WTC blueprints corroborate NIST, debunk CT claims

by Enrico Manieri - Henry62
English translation by Paolo Attivissimo. .
=<>= .

It's been an important week for 9/11 researchers. On March 27, professor Steven Jones, originator and main supporter of the theory of thermite-induced controlled demolition of the Twin Towers, reported via affiliated websites that he had acquired important documents related to the North Tower (WTC1).

"Molten metal pools" may have simple explanation

by Enrico Manieri - Henry62.

English translation by Paolo Attivissimo.

Special thanks to the Contessi company for their friendly technical support. --------------------------------------------------------------
"Thermal cutting of steel" Dossier- Real-world tests cut through steel, shatter thermite "evidence" - Technical

Technical details on thermal cutting of steel

by Enrico Manieri - Henry62.English translation by Paolo Attivissimo. -------------------------------------------------

Special thanks to the Contessi company for their friendly technical support.------------------------------------------------- .
"Thermal cutting of steel" Dossier
.- Real-world tests cut through steel, shatter thermite "evidence" - Technical details on thermal cutting of steel

Real-world tests cut through steel, shatter thermite "evidence"

by Enrico Manieri - Henry62

English translation by Paolo Attivissimo.


Thanks to Contessi for technical support.



"Thermal cutting of steel" Dossier

- Real-world tests cut through steel, shatter thermite "evidence"

- Technical


NEW!  "Active Thermitic Material" claimed in Ground Zero dust may not be thermitic at all
"Molten metal pools" may have simple explanation
UPS on the 81st floor of WTC2?
NIST confirms "UPS" on 81st floor of WTC2 was power supply; may explain glowing "fountain"
"Whistleblower" WTC blueprints corroborate NIST, debunk CT claims
Real-world tests cut through steel, shatter thermite "